Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Disney Countdown to Ralph Breaks the Internet and Baby Steps to Walt Disney World (2018 Part 2) - Subtitles (en)

Imagining in June 2018
So you want some
of my electricity, do you?
Well, for once,
the rich white man is in control.
I have two buttons behind this desk.
One will supply your town with power,
the other releases the hounds.
Reach me, make me your brother.
The hospital's generator
is about to give out.
Lives will be lost!
Lives... lost. Go on.
We got a convict we were going to
fry tomorrow, but now we can't.
Tempting... Tempting.
Look, all our reasons mean nothing.
Just look into your heart
and you'll find the answer.
BURNS: First door on the right.
APU: Thank you.
What? This isn't the way
I pictured Alaska at all!
Oh, that's better.
Well, at least my poster didn't get torn.
Welcome to Alaska.
Here's a thousand dollars.
Well, it's about time, but why?
We pay every resident
a thousand dollars
to allow oil companies to
ravage our state's natural beauty.
I'm home.
Oh, thanks.
What are you doing, Bart?
Eh, just passing the time.
Aw. My boy loves Alaska
so much, he's applauding it.
-Lisa, why aren't you clapping?
-But, Dad...
Clap for Alaska.
Well, Marge, we're separated
from the kids by a wall of snow.
All my dreams are coming true.
Hey, wait!
Who are you? Where are you going?
Come back!
Hey, wait a minute!
(ECHOING) Who are you?
Sweet mother of Jefferson Davis!
It's beautiful.
Milo, I gotta hand it to you.
You really came through.
I take that back.
Holy cats! Who are these guys?
-They gotta be Atlanteans.
-What? That's impossible!
I seen this back in the Dakota.
They can smell fear
just by looking at ya.
So, keep quiet.
I think it's talking to you.
Parlez-vou français?
Oui, monsieur!
They speak my language!
Pardon, mademoiselle.
Ah, voulez-vous... (WHISPERING)
-(APPLAUDS) Ooh, I like her.
(SCOFFS) 'Bout time someone hit him.
I'm just sorry it wasn't me.
How do they know all these languages?
Their language must be
based on a root dialect.
It's just like the Tower of Babel.
Well, maybe English
is in there somewhere.
We are explorers
from the surface world.
We come in peace.
Welcome to the city of Atlantis.
Come. You must speak
with my father now.
Squad "B," head back
to the shaft and salvage what you can.
OFFICER: Yes, sir!
ROURKE: We'll rendezvous
in 24 hours.
OFFICER: Let's move it. You heard him.
I'm so excited!
MILO: Now,
what's really amazing is that
if you deconstructed Latin,
you overlaid it
with a little Sumerian,
throw in a dash of Thessalonian,
you'd be getting close to
their basic grammatical structure.
Or at least you'd be
in the same ballpark...
-Someone's having a good time.
-Like a kid at Christmas.
Commander, there were
not supposed to be people down here.
This changes everything.
This changes nothing.
Take that, Mr. Harcourt!
ROURKE: Your Majesty?
On behalf of my crew,
may I say it is an honor
to be welcomed to your city.
Excuse me? Commander?
You presume much
to think you are welcome here.
Oh, sir, we have come
a long way looking for...
I know what you seek,
and you will not find it here.
Your journey has been in vain.
But we are peaceful explorers,
men of science.
And yet you bring weapons.
Our weapons allow us to remove
obstacles we may encounter.
Some obstacles cannot be
removed with a mere show of force.
Return to your people.
You must leave Atlantis at once.
Oh, Your Majesty, be reasonable.
-Not now, son.
Trust me on this.
We better do as he says.
May I respectfully request
that we stay one night, sir?
That would give us
time to rest, resupply,
and be ready to travel by morning.
Hmm. Very well. One night.
That is all.
Well, thank you, Your Majesty.
Mmm. Your heart has softened, Kida.
A thousand years ago,
you would have slain them on sight.
A thousand years ago,
the streets were lit,
and our people did not
have to scavenge for food
at the edge of a crumbling city!
The people are content.
They do not know any better!
We were once a great people.
Now we live in ruins.
The kings of our past would weep
if they could see how far we have fallen.
-If these outsiders
can unlock the secrets of our past,
perhaps we can save our future.
What they have to teach us
we have already learned.
Our way of life is dying.
Our way of life is preserved.
Kida, when you take the throne,
you will understand.
-So, how'd it go?
the King and his daughter
don't exactly see eye to eye.
She seems to like us okay,
but the King...
I don't know. I think
he's hiding something.
Well, if he's hiding something,
I want to know what it is.
-Someone needs to talk to that girl.
-I will go!
-Someone with good people skills.
-I will do it!
-Someone who won't scare her away.
-I volunteer!
Someone who can speak the language.
For the good of the mission, I will go!
Good man, Thatch.
Thanks for volunteering.
Go get 'em, tiger.
Incredibles 2 subtitles part 4 coming soon
Hello? Someone? Hello?
Anyone? Hello? Anyone?
-I'm Sigourney Weaver.
Oh. Hi, Sigourney. I need your help.
Won't you please join us...
Oh. Great, great, great.
As we explore the wonders
of the Pacific Ocean...
and the amazing life it holds within.
Witness the majesty
of the Beluga Whale.
Sigourney Weaver, where are you?
Dory! There you are!
Guys! I found help. Sigourney Weaver's
gonna tell us where we are.
-Look out!
-Oh, look at this!
-No respect for ocean life.
-Marlin! Nemo!
-NEMO: Dory!
No, no, no. Not again! Not again!
Let's take her inside
and see how she does.
NEMO: Dory! Dory!
MARLIN: Don't worry, Dory! Stay calm.
We'll come find you!
SIGOURNEY: And welcome to
the Marine Life Institute...
where we believe in Rescue,
Rehabilitation and Release.
DORY: Marlin? Nemo?
Hello? Hello? Can you help me?
Me help you? (SNEEZES)
Huh? What's happening? Help?
MAN: Looks like we're done here.
WOMAN: Dude, cut it out.
You're a scientist. We talked about this.
MAN: Oh, come on. It's funny.
DORY: Oh boy. Okay. This is–
I'll be fine, I just need to find
a way out and...
If I could just– Get a hold of yourself,
-get a hold of yourself.
You'll be fine, everything's fine,
think positively.
-Hey, you.
Oh, thank goodness. Hi, I'm Dory. I'm...
Name's Hank. How sick are you?
Sick? I'm sick?
Why else would you be in quarantine?
Oh no! How long do I have?
I have to find my family.
All right. Now don't get hysterical...
Uh-oh. Not good.
What? What is it? What happened?
(GASPS) What's that?
That there is bad news.
It's a transport tag for fish
who can't cut it inside the institute.
They get transferred to permanent digs.
An aquarium.
In Cleveland.
Fish in here, go back in the ocean.
Cleveland fish, stay there forever.
(GASPS) Cleveland? No!
I can't go to the Cleveland.
I have to get to the Jewel of Morro Bay,
California and find my family.
That's this place.
The Marine Life Institute.
The Jewel of Morro Bay, California.
You're here.
You mean I'm from here?
(GASPS) My parents are here.
I have to get to them.
So what exhibit are you from?
Wait. I'm from an exhibit?
Which one? I have to get there.
Hmm. That's a hard one, kid.
Unless... Nah.
Never work. It's too crazy.
What do you mean? Just tell me.
I'm okay with crazy.
You know, I could see that?
Well, there's one thing I can think of...
to help you get to your family.
If I just take...
Yes! Great idea.
You take me to find them.
Why didn't I think of that?
Uh, no, no, no.
If I just take your tag...
I can take your place on the transport
truck then you can go back inside...
and find your family.
All you have to do is give me the tag.
What tag?
(GASPS) There's a tag on my fin!
How could you forget
you have a tag on your fin?
Oh no. I'm sorry. I...
I suffer from short-term memory loss.
You don't remember
what we were talking about?
Mm-mm. Not a clue.
What were we talking about?
Um, you were about to give me your tag.
Well, I kind of like my tag.
Why do you want it?
So I can go to...
So I can go to Cleveland.
Cleveland? Mmm.
I hear good things
about Cleveland.
Why do you want to go?
Because if I stay here I'm gonna get
released back to the ocean.
And I have extremely
unpleasant memories of that place.
I just want to live in a glass box alone.
That's all I want. So give me your tag!
Hey, man, don't touch my tag!
I don't work here.
It's not like I have a map of this place.
(GASPS) A map! Good idea.
You take me to the map, I figure out
where my parents are. Oh boy.
All right. If I get you to your family
will you give me...
I don't have much. Um, I...
How about if I give you this tag?
Great idea.
We'll sneak this thing into the garage.
You'll have all the tools you need.
What about your parents?
Mom never goes in there,
and Dad's on a business trip
until tomorrow morning.
You've got till then to fix it.
Well, fine, but I'm gonna need
some blueprints or something for this.
No worries. I got someone
who could help us with that.
CARL: Who dares 
to disturb my sanctuary?
Carl, it's me. Let me in.
None may enter 
unless they speak the royal password.
Carl, what are you talking about?
We don't have a password.
Yes, we do.
I made one up while you were gone.
Well, then
how am I supposed to know what it is?
Good point.
Welcome back, little buddy.
So what's up
with the stolen time machine?
Did you find it? Apparently not,
and you managed
to bust this one as well.
It'll be fixed before Dad gets home.
And how do you suppose
that's gonna...
-Who's that?
-Wow, a real robot!
Hi, I'm Lewis.
Well, that was unexpected.
As was that.
If my family finds out
I brought you from the past,
they'll bury me alive
and dance on my grave.
I'm not exaggerating.
Well, yes, I am, but not the point.
The point is,
your hair's a dead giveaway.
Why would my hair be
a dead giveaway?
That is an excellent question.
Wait! Where are you going?
Another excellent question.
But I don't just want to sit here.
Hey, ring my doorbell.
No, no, no, no, ring my doorbell.
Ring it. Ring it. Ring it.
Look at this door bell. Ring it.
That was accidental.
That's an accidental ring.
It doesn't count.
It's in the rule book. Look it up.
-Flat head.
-Short roots.
What do you mean,
don't go to the family?
How can we not go to the family
in this time of family crisis?
By leaving the garage door unlocked,
you let the time machine get stolen,
and now the entire time stream
could be altered!
That and someone took my bike.
Look, I told you. It's gonna all work out.
First, we keep Lewis in the garage,
away from everybody.
I show up and give him
the pep talk of the century.
Then he fixes the time machine.
CARL: Why is it an acorn?
I didn't have time to sculpt everything.
Okay, now, the time machine is fixed.
His confidence in inventing is restored.
He goes back to the science fair,
fixes his Memory Scanner,
thus restoring
the space-time continuum.
What about taking him back
to see his mom?
I just told him that to buy some time.
Oh, yeah, can't see that one
blowing up in your face.
Trust me. I got it under control.
Wilbur Robinson never fails.
But on the slight chance that I do...
"On the slight chance," yeah.
You know what? I'll run the numbers.
What is it?
Well, it's not...
It doesn't pertain to anything in...
You know, there's not necessarily...
There's a 99.999999% chance
that you won't exist.
-And I didn't want to tell you, but I did.
I won't exist?
And where does that leave me?
Alone, rusting in a corner.
What am I worried about?
Now, blueprints?
If this thing ever blows over,
I really gotta get away from you
and get some quiet time.
What's... Oh!
Well, hey, there, little fella!
Now, I know what you're thinking,
and my clothes are not on backwards.
My head is!
Oh, I used to tell that one
to my science students.
They didn't laugh, either.
Anywho, what's your name, fruit-head?
-Well, Lewis, but...
-Lewis, huh?
Well, say, Lewis, you haven't seen
any teeth around here, have you?
-Yeah, my teeth.
Been digging holes all day.
Can't find them anywhere.
All right, look, old man,
I need to get back to the garage.
Wilbur left me down there,
and I wasn't supposed to leave,
and these monsters...
-...attacked me on the porch and...
There's no monsters on the porch,
you ninny.
-Listen to me!
-Of course, I also didn't think
there was a woodchuck
living on my arm,
and lookie there!
Hope he ain't got rabies.
Old man, I need to get to the garage!
Well, sure, I'll get you there in a jiffy.
I know a shortcut.
Welcome to the garage.
Well, I'm completely lost.
Hiya, Grandpa.
Hey, Aunt Billie.
Lewis and me
are looking for the garage.
-We have a garage?
-Apparently so.
Lewis, will you give me a hand
and time my race?
Okay, Gaston,
my toy train's ready for you.
That's a toy train?
On your mark, get set, go?
LEWIS: 3.7 seconds.
GASTON: I win!
Okay, Lewis, I got the blueprints.
INSTRUCTOR: And five and six 
and seven and eight.
GRANDPA BUD: That's Uncle Joe.
He works out.
Keep those tummies tucked.
This isn't the garage.
I know.
I don't think
the garage is in here, either.
Egads! A very grave matter, indeed.
-GRANDPA BUD: That's Uncle Art.
-A real superhero?
Quad Four, Alpha Omega Galaxy,
needs a large
cheese-and-sausage thin-crust?
I'll be there in 30 minutes, or it's free.
-LEWIS: He's a...
-Pizza delivery guy.
-What are we doing up here?
-Looking for the garage.
Oh, yeah!
Laszlo, you stop painting my hat,
or I'm telling Ma!
-Lighten up, sis!
-TALLULAH: Lasz, I mean it!
Children, please!
Your mother is trying to take a nap.
What is all the yelling out here?
-He started it!
-She started it!
I don't want to hear any more!
-Now, sweetie...
-Don't you "sweetie" me!
I'm going for a drive!
That's strange.
She usually takes the Harley.
I think my wife Lucille's baking cookies.
Bake them cookies, Lucille!
Why is your dog wearing glasses?
Oh, 'cause his insurance
won't pay for contacts.
That's Uncle Spike,
and there's Uncle Dimitri.
-Oh, look, there's...
-That's the monster!
Oh, no, Lewis, that's our butler, Lefty.
Nice to meet you.
Hey, Lefty,
any idea how to get to the garage?
Well, that's true. We didn't ask her yet.
-Wilbur's mom, Franny.
I think you'll like her.
Hey, guys!
(SINGING) You ask me over 
And over and over
Have you seen 
My peacock-feathered hat?
Taught them everything they know.
-Franny, this is Lewis.
-Nice to meet you, ma'am.
Perfect timing.
We need someone on maracas.
Where is your heart at? 
Nobody knows that
Even though you've him, her, me
And an army searching
I've got a feeling
You will be reeling
When you are bad 
And the circus comes to town
Grandpa, I think I found your teeth.
And you see me leaving 
Dressed up as a magician
Or something like that
Sarsaparilla! My teeth are back!
All right!
Right. Well, glad I could help
with the teeth,
but, wow, look at the time.
Lewis, I told you to stay in the garage!
I did, but I went up the tube,
and I ran into your family, and I...
You met my family?
Pop quiz.
Who have you met,
and what have you learned?
Okay. Bud, Fritz and Joe are brothers.
Fritz is married to Petunia, and is she...
Cranky? Yes.
LEWIS: Tallulah and Laszlo are 
their children.
Joe is married to Billie. 
Lefty is the butler.
Spike and Dimitri are twins,
and I don't know who they're related to.
Neither do we. Go on.
Lucille is married to Bud,
and your dad, Cornelius, is their son.
What does Cornelius look like?
Tom Selleck.
Okay, Cornelius is married to Franny,
and her brothers are Gaston and Art.
You're forgetting something.
Forgetting? Oh, right.
Wilbur is the son 
of Franny and Cornelius.
And nobody realized
you were from the past?
Thank you. Thank you.
Hold your applause.
Thank you very much.
For the 65th anniversary of part of the Walt Disney Signature Collection, click on: Peter Pan - Subtitles (en)
Imagining in June 2018July 2018
Where are those idiots?
It's so hard to get
good help these days, my boys.
Yes, that's right.
Oh, come on out, my lovelies.
Cheer your old dad up.
Poor Daddy, surrounded by filthy rats
in this joyless, sunless void!
But don't worry, little men.
Daddy will get rid of them all! He will.
-They'll all be dead-weady.
Did you find it?
-Ah! Did you find it?
Ah... Well, we got most of it, boss.
Forget the ruby!
It's the master cable that I want.
The one that grubby creature Rita took.
-BOTH: Ooh.
-Without it, my plan is ruined!
Okay, chief. Yeah.
Forget the ruby. Ruby's gone.
See? See? Moving on.
We are now your cable guys.
Focused. Cable-centric, boss.
You need to be back in time
for the World Cup Final.
Great! Are we watching
the game together?
-TOAD: Just get the cable!
WHITEY: Keep your legs straight!
Doris, get it off! Get it off!
I've got you now.
No, Lewis is my stupid roommate.
My name's Mike Yagoobian.
People call me Goob,
but today, everyone that beat me up
called me "puke face"
and "butterfingers"
and "booger breath."
Nice to see that they're branching out.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...
Well, I was just looking for Lewis.
Try the roof.
He's always up there being dumb.
Of course. Why didn't I think of that?
Mr. Steak, you're my only friend.
Game didn't go so well, huh?
No, I fell asleep in the ninth inning,
and I missed the winning catch.
Then I got beat up.
Afterwards, Coach took me aside
and told me to let it go.
I don't know. He's probably right.
Everyone will tell you to let it go
and move on, but don't.
Instead, let it fester
and boil inside of you.
Take these feelings
and lock them away.
Let them fuel your actions.
Let hate be your ally,
and you will be capable
of wonderfully horrid things.
Heed my words, Goob. Don't let it go.
Where is that boy?
Good idea!
Separate and look for clues.
Look, my dear! Look what I found!
It's a stick.
Now, what did you find?
Yes. Yes, I see.
Time travel residue next to DNA
from Wilbur Robinson.
That plus my stick must mean...
To the future! Shotgun!
Imagining in July 2018
Incredibles 2 subtitles part 5 coming soon
Easy, easy. I just shaved this morning.
-Oh, really? You missed a spot.
-All right, all right.
Just calm down.
Just give me a chance to apologize.
For what?
-That, for example.
You sneaky son of a...
Ah, ah, ah. Watch it. You're in a church.
Are you always this charming,
or am I just lucky?
Candlelight, privacy, music.
Can't think of a better place
for hand-to-hand combat.
You fight almost as well as a man.
Funny, I was going to say
the same thing about you.
That's hitting a little below the belt,
don't you think?
No. This is.
Touché. (GROANS)
-I didn't know you had a kid.
-Well, he doesn't take kindly to soldiers.
Uh, I noticed. Uh...
Permit me.
I'm Phoebus. It means "sun god."
-And you are?
-Is this an interrogation?
I believe it's called an introduction.
-You're not arresting me?
-Not as long as you're in here. I can't.
Huh. You're not at all
like the other soldiers.
Thank you.
So, if you're not going to arrest me,
what do you want?
I'd settle for your name.
Much better than Phoebus, anyway.
Good work, Captain. Now arrest her.
(WHISPERING) Claim "sanctuary."
-Say it!
-You tricked me.
I'm waiting, Captain.
I'm sorry, sir. She claimed sanctuary.
There's nothing I can do.
Then drag her outside and...
Frollo, you will not touch her!
Don't worry.
Minister Frollo learned years ago
to respect the sanctity of the church.
All right, all right. I'm going.
-You think you've outwitted me.
But I'm a patient man.
And gypsies don't do well
inside stone walls.
What are you doing?
I was just imagining a rope
around that beautiful neck.
I know what you were imagining.
Such a clever witch.
So typical of your kind to twist the truth.
To cloud the mind with unholy thoughts.
Well, no matter.
You've chosen a magnificent prison.
But it is a prison, nonetheless.
Set one foot outside, and you're mine.
Frollo's orders.
Post a guard at every door.
Okay, Milo, don't take no for an answer.
"Look, I have some questions for you,
"and I'm not leaving this city
until they're answered!" Yeah, that's it.
That's good, that's good.
I have some questions for you.
and you are not leaving this city
until they are answered.
-Yeah, well, I... Okay.
-Shh, come with me.
Oh, there is so much
to ask about your world.
-You are a scholar, are you not?
-Eh, ah.
Judging from your diminished
physique and large forehead,
you are suited for nothing else.
What is your country of origin?
-When did the flood waters recede?
-How did you...
-Wait a minute.
I got a few questions for you, too.
So let's do this, okay?
You ask one, then I'll ask one,
then you, then me, then...
Well, you get it.
Very well. What is your first question?
Well, okay, how did you get here?
Well, I mean, not you, personally,
but your culture.
I mean, how did all of this
end up down here?
It is said that
the gods became jealous of Atlantis.
They sent a great cataclysm
and banished us here.
All I can remember is the sky going dark
and people shouting and running.
Then, a bright light, like a star
floating above the city.
My father said it called my mother to it.
I never saw her again.
I'm sorry. If it's any consolation,
I know how you feel, because I lost my...
Wait a minute. Wait a minute!
Whoa, back up!
What are you telling me?
That you remember
because you were there?
No, that's... That's impossible...
Because, I mean,
that would make you...
You know, 8,500-8,800 years old.
Oh, well. Hey, uh, pfft. Looking good.
-You got another question for me?
How is it you found
your way to this place?
Well, I'll tell you, it wasn't easy.
If it weren't for this book,
we never would have made it.
Okay, second question. Legend has it
that your people possessed
a power source of some kind
that enabled them...
-You mean you can understand this?
-Yes, I'm a linguist.
That's what I do, that's my job.
-Now, getting back to my question...
-This, right here,
you can read this?
Yes, yes.
I can read Atlantean, just like you.
You can't, can you?
No one can.
Such knowledge has been lost to us
since the time of the mehbehlmoak.
Oh, the Great Flood.
-Show me.
"Follow the narrow passage
for another league.
"There, you will find the fifth marker."
Yeah. Yeah, that's it.
How was my accent?
Boorish, provincial...
-And you speak it through your nose.
-Yeah, gotta work on that.
Here, let me show you something.
What? It looks like some sort of vehicle.
Yes. But no matter what I try,
it will not respond.
-Perhaps if...
-Way ahead of you.
Okay, let's see what we got here.
Okay. "Place crystal into slot."
Yes, yes, I have done that!
"Gently place your hand
on the inscription pad."
-Okay, did you turn the crystal
-one-quarter turn back?
-Yes. Yes!
While your hand was
on the inscription pad?
Ye... No.
(CHUCKLING) Ah, well. See, there's
your problem right there.
That's an easy thing to miss.
You know, you deserve credit
for even getting this far.
Okay, give it a try.
Yeah, you got that right.
This is great! With this thing,
I could see the whole city
in no time at all.
Wonder how fast it goes.
So, who's hungry?
MARLIN: Are you absolutely
sure that's what I said?
"Go wait over there and forget.
That's what you do best."
-Yeah, Dad.
-I said that?
You said that, Dory swam to the surface,
and she got taken by some...
All right, I don't want to hear
the whole story again.
I was just asking about the one part
because, look, if I said that...
I'm not positive I did.
It's actually a compliment because...
I asked her to wait and I said,
"It's what you do best."
So I... Oh, it's my fault!
It's all my fault she got kidnapped
and taken into whatever this place is.
What if it's a restaurant?
Oy! You two! Shut it!
Yeah, we're trying to sleep!
You interrupted my favourite dream!
Is that the one about you
laying on this rock?
-Oh, that is a good one.
-Oh yeah, isn't it? Yeah.
-It's one of my favourites.
NEMO: Uh, excuse us. Hello!
-Son! Son.
-We're trying to...
Those are sea lions.
They are natural predators.
They could pounce at any moment.
Uh, they don't look very pouncy.
That's what they want you to think.
Just get behind me
and let me do the talking.
Excuse me, we're worried
about our friend. Is that a restaurant?
Mate, it's not a restaurant.
Your friend is okay.
-She is?
-It's a fish hospital.
Sigourney Weaver says she'll be
rescued, rehabilitated, and released.
She'll be in and out in a jiff.
We should know.
-Nasal parasite.
All fixed up and sent on our way.
Oh thank goodness.
Sure, that's all right.
Don't you worry ab...
-BOTH: Gerald, get off the rock!
-Shove off, Gerald! Come on. Off! Off!
-Get off! Now you know better! Off!
-Off! Off! Off! Off!
Don't you worry about a thing.
That place is the Marine Life Institute.
The Jewel of Morro Bay, California.
(GASPS) She was right.
It looks like Dory
can do something besides forget.
Thank you, Nemo. Thank you for that.
So how are we gonna get inside?
Wait. You want to get inside MLI?
Desperately. Our friend is in there.
Lost, alone.
She's scared.
She'll have no idea what to do.
Oh, we know a way.
You do?
BOTH: Ooo-roo.
Ooo-roo-roo. Ooo-roo.
-What are they doing?
-I don't know. It sounds bad.
By the way, we were never
properly introduced.
My name's Milo.
My name is Kidagakash.
Hey, you got a nickname?
Okay, Kida. I can remember that.
What is wrong?
Oh, it's nothing. I just...
Got something in my eye.
You know, my grandpa
used to tell me stories
about this place
as far back as I can remember.
I just wish he could be
standing here with me.
Tell me more about your companions.
Your physician, he is called Cookie?
-No, that's Sweet.
-What is?
The doctor. He's Sweet.
Oh, he is kindly.
No, no, no, that's... That's his name.
-His name is kindly?
-No, Sweet.
Well, I mean, he's kindly, too.
So all of your doctors
are sweet and kindly?
No. Well, I'm sure some are.
Ours is, but that's not a requirement.
-You're missing the point.
-You are confusing me.
Wow. Look at all those tattoos.
Shoot. That ain't nothing.
Look here what I got.
All 38 United States.
Watch me make Rhode Island dance.
Go on, baby, dance. Dance.
There you go.
Cookies are sweet, but yours is not.
Sweet is kindly,
but that is not his name.
Audrey is sweet,
but she is not your doctor.
And the little digging animal
called Mole...
He is your pet?
Close enough.
Oh, don't forget to eat the head.
That's where all the nutrients are.
MIKE: Okay! Listen up, Oozmas.
Now, we're going to have to start
winning these things together,
so that means I'm going to need
each of you guys
to pull your own weight.
-(GASPS) What is it?
We've made a list of
our strengths and weaknesses.
In high school, I was
the master of the silent scare.
I could sneak up on a field mouse
-in a pillow factory.
Sorry! They get stickier
when I'm sweaty.
Oh, my gosh, that's terrible.
We're experts in the ancient craft
of close-up magic.
It's all about misdirection.
-I have an extra toe. (LAUGHS)
Not with me, of course.
Guys, one slip-up on the next event,
and we're goners.
So for this to work,
I'm gonna need you
to take every instinct you have
and bury it deep, deep down.
-From now on, we are of one mind.
My mind.
Oh, please.
I will tell you exactly what to do,
and how to do it.
ALL: Uh... Okay, Mike.
Seems about right.
All right. Give me scary steps.
Fifty up and down, right now. Let's go!
You're wasting your time.
We need a new team.
(SCOFFS) We can't just
"get a new team"!
I checked this morning.
It's against the rules.
What if we disguised a new team
to look like the old team?
Oh, no, no. We are not cheating.
It's not cheating. I'm just, you know,
leveling the playing field.
Okay, so it's kind of cheating,
but what do you want me to do?
They're not exactly
the scariest group in the world.
Oh, a ladybug!
Make a wish! Make a wish!
This is not going to work.
Where are you going? We're training.
I'm a Sullivan.
That's not enough.
You're all over the place.
You're charging ahead when you...
Bup, bup, bup!
You tell them what to do but not me.
So long, Coach.
Okay, Oozmas... (GASPS)
Boy, we need to get you a bell.
Listen up. "If a kid hears you coming,
they'll call Mom or Dad,
"then you'd better run fast
or things will get bad."
In the next event,
if even one of us gets caught,
we're all out.
So remember, do exactly what I do.
Incredibles 2 subtitles part 6 coming soon
Are you sure we should be
stopping with goons after us?
We aren't gonna get far
without a map, are we?
-RODDY: Is that a house?
-Yes, and it's very dangerous.
So... Why don't you wait here.
Waiting here. Excellent idea.
-Watch out for the piranha.
Here you go, Annie. You, Shamus.
Mimi, get your finger
out of your nose. Fergus.
-Jojo, no bitting.
-BOY: That is wild good!
ALL: Rita!
Rita's back!
-Mum! Oh, Mum.
Thank goodness you're safe.
-Hello, Dad.
-Give us a hug, girl!
Whoa! Oh!
Why, Mum,
there's a peeping Tom outside!
Tom? Ohh, it's Tom Jones!
-Mother, it's not Tom Jones.
-That's just my passenger.
-He's very good-looking.
-He is not coming in.
-MUM: Soup's on!
BOY: It's lovely. Thanks, Mum.
So how long have you been
Rita's boyfriend?
He's not my boyfriend.
Will you make an honest woman
of my daughter?
We were thinking of a spring
wedding, right, cream puff?
Look, I just want
all of you to know he's...
-Tom Jones!
So your name is "Roddy," is that right?
Yes, that's right. Roddy St. James.
What a beautiful name.
-Hi, Roddy.
-Who might you be, little chap?
-They call me Shocky.
-Why do they call you that?
-Yes! Got it.
Rita, where are you taking
this handsome young man, then?
Well... Actually, that's
why I need your maps, Dad.
Because he's from...
Kitchen. Now.
Sing us a song, Tom!
I'm not saying it isn't risky.
-But it's impossible, Rita.
No one's ever got past
the rapids at Hyde Park.
Dad, Dad! He's gonna pay us.
For the last time,
we don't need the money!
A new stove might be nice.
RODDY: Talkin' about the little lady
GRANDMA: Go, Tom! Go!
-Sing to my heart!
-She's a lady
Talkin' about that old lady
And the lady wears big undies
Huge undies. Whoo!
Psst! Rita!
It's okay. It's me, Liam.
Quick, in the kitchen.
Look at those moves! I love you, Tom!
This bloke isn't who he says he is.
His real name is Millicent Bystander,
an international jewel thief.
A mastermind, a super-criminal.
Looks like he crossed The Toad
and got away with it.
He's dangerous, but I'm a
thinker. I've got a plan.
More! More!
-That was brilliant!
-Oh, it was nothing.
-So you're from Up Top?
-I've met one of your lot before.
-Oh, really?
Used to be some old lady's pet.
That's nice.
Terribly lonely for him, though.
He had no one to talk to.
No one to cuddle with!
No one to shocky.
That's no life, is it?
I'd better get these dishes started.
Oh, please, permit me.
Oh, you're such a gentleman.
RITA: Great! So I hand Roddy
over to The Toad
and claim the reward.
Then we're all sitting pretty
for the rest of our lives.
Its that it?
LIAM: The Toad will pay
a fortune for him.
He's a bad one anyway,
so that's all right, isn't it?
You cheeky little monkey. I won't
have no son of mine acting the rat.
We Malones never go back on our word.
-He's gonna steal your boat.
-He won't.
-He's stealing your boat.
-He isn't stealing...
-He stole your boat.
LIAM: He's like Robin Hood in reverse.
-Oi! I thought we had a deal!
So did I!
This is an emergency!
Get out of the way! Emergency!
Keep clear! I'm coming, Mr. Jones,
I'm coming! Oh, marry me, Mr. Jones!
That double-crossing little
schemer. I don't need her.
I mean, anyone can get out
and sail. Look at me!
All right, Sid, you're in for a big surprise.
MALE RAT: Look out!
Sid's Tattoo and Hot Dog Parlor.
It's Roddy. Remember me?
-The butler?
Listen, you! If you're still
there when I get back...
(BELCHING) Back? Back? And
how you gonna do that then, Roddy?
-What was that?
-Gotta go, Rodders.
-If I find one thing out of place...
(SINGING) Here's a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry
Be happy
Don't worry, be happy now
Where are they hiding?
Think. Think.
To find a rat, you got to think like a rat.
I've had a tip-off.
They're heading west to Kensington.
Scrabble! (CHUCKLES)
Enough games. To the ratmobiles!
Okay, okay. We can fix it.
Yes, we can. Obviously...
Fairly major burn to the hand.
Smell of burning flesh.
Maybe I should just...
-Ow! Oh...
Oh, oh, ow! That really hurt.
Just start, you worthless old pile of
rubbish! You useless, unreliable...
RITA: Untrustworthy, double-crossing,
two-faced, conniving little toe-rag!
Ha! Ha! Oh...
So I'm the double-crosser?
Oh, yes, that's rich!
I overheard everything.
Yes, you and your family
were gonna sell me to The Toad!
You dipstick! That was
my stupid little brother's plan.
And no one listens to him.
Ah, must have missed that part.
How could you think I'd sell you out?
When I make a deal, I make a deal.
Your hair's on fire.
Ow! Ah! Oh, God...
Rita, look...
I'm sorry, all right. I was wrong.
And I think we should
just put it behind us.
Okay. I suppose I can put it behind me.
This is such an overreaction!
Rita, you can't just leave me here on a...
On a duck! Up the creek without a...
You're getting everything
you deserve. Sneaking around,
eavesdropping on other
people's conversations.
I was not sneaking around.
I say, you can't really intend
to just strand me like this.
You're not that heartless.
Okay, maybe you are.
If you're trying to teach me
a lesson, consider it taught!
I'm on a duck, begging!
(SINGING) Ice cold Rita
Never did I meet a
Girl who's half so cruel
I offered her a jewel
But she left me stuck
Stranded on a duck
What a shoddy thing to do to Roddy
That's Roddy St. James of Kensington
Poor, poor Roddy
Flushed down his own potty
Rita, can't you find it in your heart
(LOW) To help him
How mean can one rat be
Ice cold Rita
Won't you be sweeter to me
Oh! Ah!
Am I forgiven?
No. I was just afraid
you'd sing another verse.
Rita, I wasn't eavesdropping,
I swear to you.
Oh, really?
What were you doing, then, Roddy?
Well, I was actually, uh, just
watching you with your family...
thinking how lucky you were.
Lucky? Stuck with you?
So our deal's still on?
Sure it is.
Look, I really want to
help out more around here.
Just give me a job.
Anything, engineer, navigator.
I could drive for a bit if you like.
DORY: Are we there yet?
HANK: Sh. Keep it down!
Hank, I'm so glad I found you.
It feels like... I... Destiny.
For what must be the millionth time,
it's not destiny.
Uh-oh. Have I said "destiny" before?
I'm sorry.
I'm just so nervous
because I'm gonna meet my parents.
I haven't seen them in I don't even know
how long because...
-you see I suffer from short-term–
-HANK: Short-term memory loss.
Look, no more talking. Okay?
I don't like talking.
I don't like chatter and questions.
And, "How are you? Oh I'm fine."
"How are you? I'm fine too."
News flash -nobody's fine.
Oh, I'm fine. How are you?
-Hank, look, there's a map!
The plan is you're gonna read that
and figure out where your parents live.
Then I'm on the truck to Cleveland.
You got it?
Got it. What was the first part again?
What? The octopus escaped again?
Wow. Look at all the exhibits.
How can you do this park in one day?
-Pick one!
-Okay. Um...
(GROANS) Well,
tell everyone to keep an eye out.
We're supposed to be releasing
the octopus back to the ocean today.
Well, of course I haven't seen him.
If I was looking I'd find him.
Hank! There you are.
-Hurry up!
-Okay. Okay.
K. It starts with a "k."
Kid z-own-y. Kid zone!
No! No kids. Kids grab things.
And I'm not losing
another tentacle for you.
You lost a tentacle?
Well then you're not an octopus,
you're a septopus.
I may not remember, but I can count.
-Hurry up!
Journey to the... Hey, look. Shells.
Hey, look. Shells!
Daddy, here's a shell for you.
That's great, Dory.
You found another one.
-I did?
-Oh, yes, you did.
You're getting good at this, Dory.
Hey, look. Shells!
-Hey, I live there.
-Yes! Yes, indeed.
-I like shells.
-(LAUGHS) That's right, dear.
Do you think you could find me
another shell?
(WHISPERS) Purple ones
are my favourite.
Okay, Mommy.
Mommy. Purple shell. Purple shell!
Hey, my home had a purple shell.
So what? Half the exhibits here
have purple shells in them.
No, no, no. You don't understand.
I remember her now.
Purple shells were her favourite
and she had this adorable giggle.
And then my dad was really friendly.
And now your wacky memory's
gonna get us caught.
Still think this is destiny?
-Hank, we have to find my folks!
Ugh. Base, this is Carol.
Uh, I think I might have found
that missing octopus. Over.
-See what you did?
This could not be worse.
Hmm. "Destiny." (GASPS) Destiny.
-Hank. I got a feeling.
I think we should get in the bucket.
-No. Stop.
-Seriously. It says "destiny" and it is...
-No, no, no, no, no.
-We've got to get in that bucket.
-I'm not going with you in that bucket. Bye.
Hey, guys, I'm looking for my family.
Oh, good idea. Play dead.
I'm sorry. I got to blink. How do you
hold your eyes open that long?
Hey, guys. Wait a second.
Our next guest
has been here a very long time.
She's a whale shark.
Her name is Destiny.
Destiny? Really?
You'll notice she's extremely
near-sighted and has trouble...
navigating her environment.
Oh! And here she comes now.
Ooh! Destiny. (GASPS) You're a fish?
Wait. What?
-Hi! Hello there.
-Whoa! Oh. Whoa.
All right, I'll go with you.
-Excuse me.
-Is that blue blob talking?
-Can you help me? I lost my family.
-You lost your family?
Well, it's a long story,
and truth be told,
I don't remember most of it.
Aw, that is so sad.
You poor thi– (SCREAMS)
Sorry. Not a great swimmer.
I can't see very well.
Oh, I think you swim beautifully.
In fact, I've never seen a fish
swim like that before.
(VOCALIZING) Thank you.
(VOCALIZING) You're welcome.
Wait. Say that again.
Um, you're (VOCALIZING) welcome.
-(GASPS) Dory!
-You and I were friends!
-Dory, it's me! Destiny!
-You know me?
Of course! We talked through the pipes
when we were little.
-We were pipe pals!
-We were?
-(GASPS) Aw, you're so pretty.
-So you know where I'm from?
Yep, you are from
the Open Ocean exhibit.
I'm from the Open Ocean exhibit?
(GASPS) Then that's
where my parents are.
We got to go. Can you take me there?
Uh... Kind of tough for a whale
to travel around here.
Can you please keep it down
over there? My head hurts.
-Who's that?
That's my neighbour, Bailey.
He was brought in with a head injury.
I know you're talking about me, Destiny.
He thinks he can't use his echolocation,
but I've overheard...
the doctors talking.
There's not a thing wrong with him.
Hear every word
you're saying about me.
What's echolocation?
Bailey's head is supposed to put out
a call and the echo helps him...
find objects far away.
Oh, but apparently he's still "healing."
Now I know you're talking about me.
-I really can't echolocate.
I cannot have this conversation again.
I just can't.
I hit my head very hard out there.
See how swollen it is!
Your head is supposed to be big!
You're a beluga!
Oh, like the world's
most powerful pair of glasses?
-What are glasses?
It's sort of like you go, "hoo"
and then you see things.
Why do I know that?
Oh. That's interesting.
There you are!
Listen up, you and I are square.
I took you to the map,
now give me that tag!
Wait, no. I know where my parents are.
They're in the...
What's it called? The place...
The soap and lotion?
-BOTH: Open Ocean.
-Open Ocean!
(GASPS) Open Ocean!
I know where that is.
That's the exhibit located right next to...
I don't care.
If you're trying to get to the Open Ocean
exhibit go through the pipes.
-HANK: Through the pipes. Great.
-Through the pipes?
Yep. Take two lefts, swim straight
and you'll hit it.
Oh, that's a lot of directions. That's...
Did you get that, Hank? All that?
-Uh, yeah.
-Great! Let's go.
I'm not going with you. I won't fit.
You have to go by yourself.
That's... I'm... I... See, I can't because
I'm not so good with directions.
Well, that's too bad. A deal's a deal.
You wanted to find your parents?
That's how you get to them.
Now give me your tag.
But, Hank, I can't go in the pipes alone.
I'll forget where I'm going.
-Not my problem. Tag!
-But I can't get in that way.
-I'm sorry, but there's no other way.
-There's no other way. (GASPS)
-There's no other way.
-Now, now. Don't panic.
It's okay. Not everything in life is
easy to do. Isn't that right, Charlie?
She's right. When something's
too hard, you should just give up.
-A joke. I'm kidding!
Just a joke. A joke.
Caution, joker at work.
-Joke. I got it.
You see, kelpcake?
There's always another way.
Thank you, Daddy.
Thank you, Daddy.
(GASPS) Nope. My father said
there's always another way.
-What? There is no other way.
-Open Ocean. Open Ocean. Hmm...
Open Ocean. I'm pretty sure
it's the building over there.
That's ill-defined and roundish.
Like Bailey's head.
-Wait, what?
-Always another way. There's...
There! Guys, follow me.
I know how we can get to locomotion.
BOTH: Open Ocean.
DORY: Exactly.
Um, guys.
You know I can't swim over there, right?
BOTH: Ooo-roo, ooo-roo, ooo-roo.
MARLIN: I don't see how this
is going to get us inside.
What are you even doing?
We're calling her over, of course.
Calling her over? Calling who over?
Lads, meet Becky.
Flying? No, no, no new information.
Listen, tell her thank you.
You guys have gone
above and beyond. Really.
But is there a way to get in
that involves, like, swimming?
Because that's really our strength.
Look, your friend is going to be
in quarantine.
That's where they take the sick fish.
And the one and only one way
into that place is Becky.
Hi, Becky.
Ow! Stop. Let's call
her Pecky because this is hurting.
(CHUCKLES) I think she likes you, Dad.
Becky, love? These two nice fish
need to get into quarantine.
Are you free today, Rebecca darling?
Becky, is– Would that work
with your schedule? Ow!
She doesn't understand
what I'm saying.
All you have to do
is imprint with her, mate.
-Imp... What?
-BOTH: Imprint.
Look her in the eye and say, "ooo-roo"
and she'll be in sync with you.
-Now look her in the eye.
(GROANS) Nemo, I think we should
devise an alternate plan.
One that involves staying in the water
and someone sane.
Because this bird, this bird...
This ain't the bird!
That's fine, Dad. And in the meantime,
Dory will just forget us.
Like you said, it's what she does best.
(SIGHS) Fine.
Okay, look her in the eye. Which eye?
FLUKE: Just pick one, mate.
MARLIN: Becky.
(ECHOING) Ooh. Ooo-roo.
Roo-roo, Becky.
Okay, this is all great.
How exactly is Becky
supposed to carry us?
Oh yeah. I almost forgot. Gerald!
-RUDDER: Yeah, Gerald.
-FLUKE: Come on, son.
Come on, Gerald. Give us your pail,
we'll let you sit on the rock.
-Yeah, Gerald. We swear it.
That's right. Shimmy on over here.
-Come on. You can do it.
-That's right.
Mind you don't scuff your bum.
-Thank you so much, Gerald.
Welcome to your time on this rock.
-Comfortable, isn't it?
BOTH: Time's up! Get off!
-Off! Off! Off! Off!
-Time's up! Now get off, Gerald! Off!
No, this is nuts! Why do I keep getting
talked into insane choices?
-Good luck!
Okay, when I tell you you're gonna...
Yeah. I know. I'm gonna signal
with a big splash.
On my mark. Not clear yet.
Not clear yet.
-Not 'til Destiny gives the signal.
You know something? I have no idea
why you're even doing this.
What do you mean?
It seems like a lot of trouble
just to find some more fish.
If I had short-term memory loss...
I'd just swim off into the blue
and forget everything.
Well I don't want to do that.
I want my family.
Not me, kid. I don't want anyone
to worry about.
You're lucky. No memories.
No problems.
Huh. No memories. No problems.
Still not clear. Still not clear.
You don't have to say when it's not time.
-Just tell me when it is time.
Okay, here we go. And– Wait!
(INHALES) "Here we go. Wait."
Are you serious?
-Okay, on the count of three.
-Don't count. Just say, "Go."
-Go! Now, now. Do it! Do it!
-What? Okay, okay. (GRUNTS)
-Wow. Look at that! I mean...
-That's the signal.
-Go, go, go! That's the signal!
HANK: Now remember,
Destiny said follow the signs
-to the Open Ocean exhibit.
-DORY: Uh-huh.
HANK: I can't see squat,
so it's your job to look for it.
Got it. Follow the signs to Open Ocean.
I'm just gonna repeat it, okay?
That should work.
Follow the signs to Open Ocean.
Follow the signs to Open Ocean.
Mm. Go right! Follow the signs
to Open Ocean.
Follow the signs to Open Ocean.
Follow the signs to Open Ocean. Left!
-Follow the signs to Open Ocean.
-And steer clear of people, will you?
Especially kids.
I don't want to be touched.
Sh! Do not mess me up!
Oh, poor baby.
Let me get that for you. Here you... Oh!
Oh my. Ugh.
-Where do we go? Where do we go?
Oh, sorry!
Okay, I was looking, looking...
MARLIN: Roo-roo, Becky!
Drop us anywhere. We're okay.
Just wait, Dad. I think she's looking
for a place to land.
She's confused, Nemo. She doesn't
even know which way to look.
Wait, Becky. What are you doing?
Ooo-roo. Ooo-roo-roo-roo-roo.
Okay. I was going somewhere.
The question is where.
Which way? Do you see the sign?
I'm looking. I'm looking. Something to
something gets me to my family!
"The world's most powerful pair of..."
I know that. Why do I know that?
It's another memory.
Hank, we need to go that way!
Left. Go left.
CLAIRE: We are at the halfway point
of the second event,
and things are getting interesting.
(SOFTLY) Got it.
Pick on someone your own size!
-You heard the captain.
-BARNACLE: Get lost!
There's no room
for passengers on this boat.
Let go, you sticky little...
CLAIRE: Only two teams left.
Who will make it out with their flag,
and who will be eliminated?
BROCK: In a real Scare,
you do not want to get caught
by a kid's parent.
And in this event,
you do not want to get caught by
the librarian.
(SCOFFS) What's so scary
about a little old librarian?
I said, "Quiet."
-Slow and steady.
-Slow and steady.
-Slow and steady.
BOTH: Slow and steady.
Slow and steady.
MARLIN: Becky! Ooo-roo. Ooo-roo.
She can't hear you, Dad.
All right. New plan. We have to get
closer to Becky so she can hear us.
-I don't think we should move the pail.
Nemo. Without me Becky's lost.
Dad, just trust her.
Trust her? So she can forget us
all together?
-I trust Becky.
-You trust her? Becky's eating a cup!
Becky! Becky! Ooo-roo! Whoa!
Well, at least we're not stuck
in the bucket any more.
Or on top of quarantine.
SIGOURNEY: The baby otter talk
is beginning now.
Why, thanks, Sigourney Weaver.
Hey, who wants to learn about otters?
DORY: Looking for the world's
most powerful pair of glasses.
(GASPS) Otters!
-Welcome, it's a huge cuddle party!
-Cuddle party! I'm in!
Where are we?
Are we close to Open Ocean?
Uh, yes. I think– Well, I don't know.
But I saw that other sign so...
What? What other sign?
The world's most powerful
pair of glasses.
What? What are you talking about?
Why would we follow that sign?
Well, because I remembered it.
No. That wasn't the plan. Ow!
All right, that's it!
You have wasted my time!
-Wait. No.
-That transport truck leaves at dawn...
and I'm not missing it,
so give me your tag.
Wait. No, I remembered that sign.
-So I'm remembering more...
and more and I feel like my memory's
getting better. I think we should...
No! Your memory is not working.
You can't remember anything.
It's probably how you lost your family
in the first place!
All right, look, let's just take it down
a notch. Just give me the tag and...
You know something, for a guy
with three hearts you're not very nice.
Three hearts? What are you talking
about? I don't have three hearts.
-Yes, you do.
-I don't!
-You do!
-Stop saying that!
Fun fact- the octopus has three hearts.
Two pump blood to the gills
while the third pumps...
-blood throughout the body.
You know, someone with three hearts
shouldn't be so mean.
And it's mean to say that
I would lose someone I love!
I did not lose them! Hank?
Hank? Hank?
SPIKE: I'm the captain,
and I say go left.
WHITEY: Would that be port
or starboard, Spike?
There they are!
Go get them, lads!
Wait for it, wait for it... Now!
Have another go if you think
you're fast enough!
RITA: Hold on, Roddy!
Get that cable, lads!
You've got a great car
Yeah, what's wrong with it today
-You may now kiss the bride.
-Congratulations, by the way!
DRIVER: Watch your starboard!
RODDY: Rita!
Rita! Can we go a little faster, please?
We don't have to!
RITA: Go, go, purple custard!
-End of the line, Millicent.
Oh, yeah! Haha!
-Rita, try and go right!
Just trust me!
I hope you know what you're doing!
Now head for the rope!
Oh, no.
Well done, Roddy!
We did it! We did it!
We didn't do it.
Whoa! Rita,
can you get me back on the boat?
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
Whew! (GASPS)
-No. Not Hans. I'm looking for Hank.
-Hank. With a "k." Hank.
-Hands? Oh, oh, oh, hands!
-Hank! Hank?
My arm!
(SCREAMS) Where are you? Hank!
Oh! Ahh! Can you please help me?
I'm looking for...
Please help me. I've lost
my friend Frank. I'm sorry, not Frank.
You're in my space! (SCREAMS)
He's an octopus. No, septo...
Septopus. That's right.
TERRI: Five, six, seven, eight!
BOTH: Look over here!
-Is that legal?
-You better believe it, mop top!
The only rule is don't get caught.
-BOTH: Hey! Over here!
He's a septopus. Septopus.
Septopus. Septopus. (GASPS)
One, two, three, four, five, six, s...
Septopus! He's camouflaged!
Hank. Come on, Hank!
Let's get out of here.
-Dory, what are you doing?
What's the plan?
The plan is I'm gonna stay here forever.
Okay. Good plan.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Hank. I'm sorry.
I can't remember right. (GASPS)
-Sweetie. Sweetie.
-Oh, watch out, kelpcake.
Oh, watch where you're going.
I'm sorry, Daddy.
I'm sorry I can't remember right.
Oh, sweetie.
Sweetie, you don't need to be sorry.
You know what you need to do?
Just keep swimming.
And I bet you can remember
that because we're just...
We're gonna sing a song about it.
♪ Just keep swimming
Just keep swimming
BOTH: ♪ Just keep swimming
Swimming, swimming
♪ What do we do?
We swim
♪ Swim, swim, swim
We swim
-♪ We swim, swim, swim
-DORY: ♪ Just keep swimming ♪
(GASPS) My parents
taught me that song!
We sang it as a family.
All this time I thought I made it up!
-What song?
-Just keep swimming.
Hank, we've just got to keep swimming.
What? No way! Listen to me,
it's too dangerous to move.
No, you listen to me. I know
you're scared, but you can't give up.
Follow me.
♪ Just keep swimming
Just keep swimming
♪ My mom wrote
this song for me
♪ It's gonna get us out of here ♪
Sing with me, Hank. Come on.
Are you sure about this, Spike?
These things are
supposed to be dangerous.
Danger is my middle name.
-I thought it was Leslie.
Just thought I'd drop in.
Rita, do something quick! Anything!
-Hang on tight!
Any last requests?
Yes. Could you fly quite suddenly off
the boat, screaming like a girl?
Oh, dear.
(GASPS) I'm coming, Mommy.
I'm coming, Daddy!
-We're gonna be okay.
-Turn back.
Turn back!
ALL: You're headed
right for Poker's Cove.
Poker's Cove.
-Poker's Cove?
-Stop it!
CHILDREN: Oh, what is this?
HANK: Sorry.
DORY: That's okay. Everybody does it.
Nothing to be ashamed of.
-Come and get me!
-Come and get me! Whoo-hoo!
Guys, what are you doing?
They said don't let her catch you.
But they didn't say how!
Move it! Move it! Move it! Come on!
ALL: Whoa!
We did it!
No, we didn't. We forgot the flag!
-Way to go, Squishy!
-Way to go, Squishy!
The EEKs have been eliminated
and Oozma Kappa live
to scare another day!
We're OK! We're OK! We're OK!
-Oh, yeah!
Sailing takes me away
To where I've always heard it could be
MALE RAT: You darn foreigners!
Do you think the boss
will be annoyed with us?
Hank? Oh, Hank. There you are.
Wow. You got us out of there.
Huh. I did.
I got us out of there.
I mean, technically
you also got us in there.
But if you hadn't I'm not sure
we would have gotten here.
Echolocation. Echolocation!
The world's most powerful pair
of glasses. We found it!
No. You found that.
Welcome to the Open Ocean.
SQUISHY: I've never felt so alive!
TERRI: We were awesome!
Okay, look. That wasn't real Scaring.
It was better than what you did.
You should've stuck to my strategy.
Talk to me when we start
the real Scaring.
Hey! You guys going to the party?
Oh, I think you've got the wrong guys.
-We don't get invited to...
-(SHUSHES) Party?
The mid-games mixer at the RORs'.
-It's for the top Scare Teams.
You're one of us now, right?
See you there!
-Did you hear that?
-I can't believe it!
-Uh-uh. Bad idea.
-This is great.
They're finally seeing us as real Scarers.
We're going!
DON: Do young people still dance?
Because my moves are a little rusty.
Oh, we forgot to bring a hostess gift.
We can't go in there
without some scented candles.
Calm down. We earned this.
(STAMMERS) What if there's
a lull in the conversation?
I never know what to... You know...
How are you so good at this?
You just took on
an angry 50-foot librarian,
and you're afraid of a little party?
Take a deep breath...
...and in you go!
-It's Oozma Kappa!
-These guys are crazy!
What you did today was insane!
MONSTER: That was awesome!
Oozma Kappa,
tonight we party like Scarers!
I've never stayed up this late in my life!
(WHISTLES) Hey, quiet! Quiet!
Quiet down, you can-wranglers.
All right. On behalf of the RORs,
we'd like to congratulate all the teams
that have made it this far.
All, right, let's hear it for the PNKs!
I love that trick! Never gets old. HSS!
(CHUCKLES) Very creepy.
And finally, the surprise team
of the Scare Games,
-Oozma Kappa!
Come on over, guys.
Now, I got to admit, fellas,
I thought you were a bunch of nobodies.
But, boy, was I wrong.
Let's hear it for Oozma Kappa!
CROWD: Oozma Kappa!
The most adorable monsters
on campus.
CROWD: Ooh! Oh!
Release the stuffed animals.
Don't worry. (GRUMBLES)
Nobody reads the school paper.
Yeah, but I'm pretty sure
they read the quad.
MONSTER: Whoo-hoo!
CHET: Thank you very much.
Okay. Would you like that
with two sleeves or four?
Thanks. Tell your friends.
Hey! What do you think you're doing?
Raising a little money for charity.
Yeah? Well, stop it.
You want us to stop raising money
for charity? That's not cool.
This guy hates charity!
I want you to stop making us
look like fools.
Hey, you're making yourselves
look like fools.
Let's be honest, boys.
You're never going to be real Scarers,
because real Scarers look like us.
But, hey, if you really want
to work for a Scare company
they're always hiring in the mailroom.
Guys, hold on!
Hey, hey, hey! Wait a second.
Don't listen to him.
We just need to keep trying.
No, you need to stop trying!
You can train monsters like this
all you want,
but you can't change who they are.
DON: Mike...
We appreciate everything you've done,
but he's right.
No matter how much we train,
we'll never look like them.
We're built
for other things.
Sorry, squirt!
Some monsters just aren't
cut out for the big leagues.
The big leagues.
Incredibles 2 subtitles part 7 coming soon
MARLIN: Ooo-roo. Ooo-roo, ooo-roo.
Ooo-roo. Ooo-roo.
Ooo-roo. Ooo-roo. Ooo-roo, ooo-roo!
Dad, stop. She's not coming back.
She might. Ooo-roo, ooo-roo!
Dad! You made her feel like
she couldn't do it.
You're not talking about Becky, are you?
I miss Dory.
Me too.
The truth is,
I'm just so worried about her.
She's the one who should be worried
about us.
Well, she would definitely have an idea
of what to do if she were here.
I don't know how she does that.
I don't think she knows, Dad.
She just does.
Well, then we'll just have to think.
-What would Dory do?
-What would Dory do?
Yeah! What would Dory do?
She would assess her situation,
and then she'd evaluate...
then she would analyse her options...
Dad, that's "what would Marlin do."
Right, that's what I would do.
She wouldn't even think twice.
She would just look at the first thing
she sees and...
Dory would do it.
-Nemo, hold on to me.
NEMO: Whoo-hoo!
Hey, it's working! Whoa!
Just keep gasping.
-Are you okay?
-Yeah! What would Dory do now?
Who's Dory?
Oh boy. Are we happy to see you.
Happy to see me? I'm happy to see you!
I haven't had anyone to talk to in years.
Years? Wow.
Unfortunately we can't stay long.
We have to go because...
Now why would you want to go?
You just landed.
Stay a while. Tell me all about yourself.
I would love to, but my son and I
have to get to quarantine, so–
-Wonderful thing to have a son.
-Yeah it is.
Of course I don't have a family.
I dated a nice scallop for a while.
-That's fascinating, but...
-But scallops have eyes.
And she was looking for something
different. I'm kidding!
Well, not about scallops having eyes.
They do.
And they see into your soul
and they break your heart.
Oh, Shelley! Why? Why?
Now what would Dory do?
I don't even know what I'm doing.
Keep moving forward.
I mean,
this stuff is way too advanced for me.
Keep moving forward.
And what if I can't fix this?
What are we gonna do?
Keep moving forward.
Why do you keep saying that?
And don't just say,
"Keep moving forward."
It's my dad's motto.
Why would his motto be
"keep moving forward"?
It's what he does.
What's that supposed to mean?
That is an excellent question.
WILBUR: Robinson Industries,
the world's leading
scientific-research-and-design factory.
My dad runs the company.
They mass produce his inventions.
His motto, "Keep moving forward."
It's what he does.
-What has he invented?
Carl, the time machine,
the travel tubes.
Your dad invented the time machine?
Yep. Five years ago,
Dad wakes up in the middle
of the night in a cold sweat.
He wants to build a time machine,
so he starts working.
We're talking plans.
We're talking scale models.
We're talking prototypes.
LEWIS: That's a prototype?
-The very first, or what's left of it.
Yeah. Dark day at the Robinson house.
Prototypes two and three,
not much better.
Number six, 58,
212, 485,
and they all end the same way.
But he doesn't give up.
Dude, I can't take you seriously
in that hat.
He keeps working and working
until finally he gets it,
the first working time machine.
Then he keeps working and working
until finally he gets it again,
the second working time machine.
Kind of small.
I'm assuming that's a joke.
I'm ignoring you for time reasons.
This, my friend, is merely a model
because, unfortunately,
time machine number two
is in the hands of the Bowler Hat Guy.
-Pretty amazing story, huh?
Now, are you ready to start working?
I think that's it. I did it!
I knew you could.
Nice work, my friend.
Well, you know what they say!
"Keep moving..."
Don't say it!
Boys! Dinner time!
Not now, Mom!
If you aren't up here in five minutes,
I'm gonna come down and get you!
We'd better get up there.
Incredibles 2 subtitles part 8 coming soon
Come with us as we explore
the mysterious world
of the Open Ocean.
-Okay, Hank, follow me.
-You're in a cup.
Right. I'll follow you then.
-An octopus has three hearts.
-Huh. That's a fun fact.
DORY: We're here.
This is really happening.
Well, looks like this is it, kid.
Now I got a truck to catch.
Wait! Wait! I had something for you.
-The tag. Right!
You know,
I think I'm gonna remember you.
Oh, you'll forget me in a heartbeat, kid.
Three heartbeats.
I'll have a hard time
forgetting you though.
My parents are actually down there.
You okay?
I'm ready.
(CHUCKLING) Yeah, I think you are.
Where are they? Where are they?
Where are they? Okay. Okay.
Pardon me. Oh. Hi. Hello. Have you
seen a mom and a dad without me?
Excuse me. Have you seen a couple?
-They're old like you.
Not old like you,
but older than you even.
Okay. Bye.
Hi. Do you know anyone who lost a kid
a long time ago that would be me?
I don't know how long ago exact–
Okay. You're in a hurry. (GRUNTS)
-Ho, ho! Watch where you're going.
-Oh sorry.
SIGOURNEY: It's our goal that every
animal we rescue and care for...
will eventually return home
to where they belong.
And there we go.
Now, if you ever get lost, Dory...
You just follow the shells.
Hey, look! Shells!
Follow the shells.
-Hey, I live there.
-Yes, yes indeed.
(GASPS) My home. That's my home!
Mom! Dad!
Okay, kelpcake. Now count to ten.
One, two, three...
-BABY DORY: Four...
(VOCALIZING) You're welcome.
Who are you talking to, kelpcake?
My pipe pal, Destiny!
Mom? Dad?
Mommy loves purple shells.
-What's going to happen to her?
There, there, Jenny.
Oh no, don't cry, Mommy. Don't cry.
Do you think she's– That she can
make it on her own, Charlie?
Oh, honey. It'll be okay.
Mommy loves purple shells.
-Mommy! Daddy!
My parents...
I... I lost them.
It was my fault.
-FEMALE CRAB: Where's your tag?
Your tag. It's missing.
That why you're not in quarantine?
That's where they took all
the blue tangs. Isn't that right, Bill?
Yep. The blue tangs are getting
their own exhibit in Cleveland.
Being shipped out on a truck
at the crack of dawn. Must be nice.
What? No! No, my parents
are back in quarantine?
They're being shipped to Cleveland?
But I just got here!
I've got to get to them.
They don't know I'm here.
Don't worry,
it's easy to get to quarantine.
You can just go through the pipes,
Oh. Oh I can't do that.
-Why not?
-I'll forget where I'm going.
And I can't be somewhere
where I have nobody to help me.
-Well, then I guess you're stuck here.
-You're not helping, Bill.
Just go in there if you want to.
You'll be fine.
Oh boy.
Could you tell me how to get there?
Through the pipes?
Sure, honey. It's two lefts
and then a right. Simple.
Two lefts and a right. I can do this.
Two lefts and a right. Okay.
Don't forget.
For the first Toy Story 4 preparation, go to: Toy Story - Subtitles (en)

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